L'usine Vetrotech Saint-Gobain de Romont opte pour l'énergie verte

Vetrotech’s production site obtains electricity from renewable energy sources


Vetrotech’s production site obtains electricity from renewable energy sources
Vetrotech’s production site obtains electricity from renewable energy sources © Vetrotech Saint-Gobain, Photographer: Olaf Rohl

Vetrotech Saint-Gobain est particulièrement attachée à la protection de l'environnement et du climat, ainsi qu'à l'utilisation durable des ressources.

In cooperation with the Swiss energy company Groupe E, the production site is drawing 100% of its electricity from sustainable hydropower. With an average annual electricity requirement of around 3.6 megawatts more than 600 tons of CO2 are saved each year, corresponding to a reduction of 97.6 %. The environmental impact of the Romont plant will be even more reduced thanks to the investment in a new machine which optimizes the cutting of glass, then reducing wastes by 20%.

"We are proud to contribute to minimizing our CO2 footprint by switching to electricity from sustainable energy sources. The measures taken are important steps for us, which are in line with the sustainability principles of our corporate strategy. This is only the beginning of the journey for us, especially as we are already developing new solutions in the area of water consumption in order to produce more resource-efficiently in the future."
Cédéric Berg, Industrial Manager & Site Manager Romont

Vetrotech Saint-Gobain is committed to the respect of people and the environment. This commitment is reflected in the "Glass Forever" initiative, in which all project participants are involved: Employees, customers, partners and suppliers.


* in French

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